Where do I begin giving my thanks?
Throughout this last year, I have learned so much. Seen so much. Lived through things that I didn't think I'd ever live through. But through it all....I'm so very thankful...to my Heavenly Father.
First and foremost, I am thankful that God Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, provided a way for each and every one of us to live with Him for eternity in Heaven. I am so thankful for His free gift of salvation and that I accepted that free gift.
At the beginning of this year, my husband and I thought God might be calling us to the mission field of Madagascar. I am so thankful for the opportunity to take a missions survey trip and to have gone to a foreign field that I never even contemplated. I didn't think I'd ever leave America. I'm thankful that God would even want to choose me for something like that.
While we were in Madagascar, we saw with our very own eyes the incredible poverty that people in this world actually live in. You know, you see it on tv, you hear about it on the radio, and it doesn't really sink in. I mean, come on, we live in America. We have no idea really about poverty. We have so much. But we've gotten used to having it and we cannot fathom not having it. I am thankful to have been born here in America and live in America.
As I reflect on God' goodness to me, it completely blows my mind that my Creator would choose to use me for anything. He could have chosen angels to do His work for Him. But He chose man to do that. I'm thankful for the opportunity to serve the one true God.
Many days this year, I've awakened in the morning and one of the first thoughts in my mind is how God so richly provides for me every day my daily provision. Food, air, water, a roof over my head, clothes on my back, etc. For too many years, I've just taken those things for granted forgetting that my Heavenly Father has so richly blessed me. I am thankful for these blessings.
Deuteronomy 8:18 But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. This verse was pointed out to our church during our family conference back in May. I am thankful that God has given my husband the power to get wealth to provide for our family so that I can be a full-time mom at home. As I look back in our checkbook, God has worked miracles for us this year. I have a thankful heart for that. On paper, our finances don't make sense...but to God it does and all I can say is, "Wow!"
Our pastor resigned from our church in August. Our church was devastated. It has been one of the most difficult times in our lives. But...God has been faithful to us. He has provided so much for us. Walter and I have made so many new friends through this. I am so thankful. God has miraculously provided for our church financially. I am so thankful. Nobody left the church because our pastor resigned. I am so thankful. The unity in our church is awesome. I am so thankful. We are still seeing souls saved. I am so thankful. Our church has not closed it's doors. I am sooooo thankful. We don't have a new pastor yet, but I know God will provide the right man in His perfect time.
My family is healthy. I used to take it for granted that we were healthy. I try not to do that anymore because I have come to the realization that our physical lives can change drastically in a short amount of time. Thank you Heavenly Father for our health.
As I reflect on all of these blessings and more, I realize that God is sooooooooo good. I am thankful that we have a day set aside here in America called Thanksgiving Day to reflect on all the goodness and blessings in our lives.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Something Fun...
Just something fun to do.
8 Shows I watch:
We don't have cable, satellite, or even use an antenna so I really can't answer that.
8 Things I did yesterday:
1. Read my Bible
2. Talked to my favorite (and only) sister
3. Talked to my favorite man in the whole wide world - my Mr. Wonderful!
4. Did school with my boys
5. Brushed my dog
6. Made dinner
7. Had family night
8. Checked emails and surfed the web for a while
8 Places I like to eat:
1. Macaroni Grill
2. Rubio's Fresh Mexican
3. Red Robin
4. Olive Garden
5. Sizzler
6. Panda Express
7. Good ol' fashioned homecookin'
8. Jack in the Box
8 Things I look forward to...
1. Living in Heaven!
2. Learning something new from the Bible
3. My husband coming home from work each night
4. Seeing what my kids look like all grown up
5. Watching Lyndsey graduate from high school and college (she's so close!)
6. Christmas
7. Summer vacation
8. Being a grandma (but not too soon!)
8 Things on my wish list...
1. To be debt free
2. To have a newer car that has rear a/c
3. To be a better mom and wife
4. To lose at least 20 pounds
5. To be a better servant for the Lord Jesus Christ
6. A really good set of pots and pans
7. To be totally healthy
8. To not wear glasses
If you want to participate, feel free to!
8 Shows I watch:
We don't have cable, satellite, or even use an antenna so I really can't answer that.
8 Things I did yesterday:
1. Read my Bible
2. Talked to my favorite (and only) sister
3. Talked to my favorite man in the whole wide world - my Mr. Wonderful!
4. Did school with my boys
5. Brushed my dog
6. Made dinner
7. Had family night
8. Checked emails and surfed the web for a while
8 Places I like to eat:
1. Macaroni Grill
2. Rubio's Fresh Mexican
3. Red Robin
4. Olive Garden
5. Sizzler
6. Panda Express
7. Good ol' fashioned homecookin'
8. Jack in the Box
8 Things I look forward to...
1. Living in Heaven!
2. Learning something new from the Bible
3. My husband coming home from work each night
4. Seeing what my kids look like all grown up
5. Watching Lyndsey graduate from high school and college (she's so close!)
6. Christmas
7. Summer vacation
8. Being a grandma (but not too soon!)
8 Things on my wish list...
1. To be debt free
2. To have a newer car that has rear a/c
3. To be a better mom and wife
4. To lose at least 20 pounds
5. To be a better servant for the Lord Jesus Christ
6. A really good set of pots and pans
7. To be totally healthy
8. To not wear glasses
If you want to participate, feel free to!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
It Just Has To Be a Boy Thing!
This morning the boys were supposed to be doing their schoolwork. They were sitting at the table with their books open and pencils in hand but decided to have the following conversation.
Phyllip: Tyler, I dare you to eat a piece of Ruby's (our dog) food.
Tyler: Ok.
Tyler can't bring himself to actually eat the food so he licks it several times instead. Eventually, he put the whole thing in his mouth and spit it out immediately!
Then Tyler decided eating one of Ruby's cookies would be better. He tried it (a chicken flavored one) and said it tasted like Top Ramen, then it tasted like chicken, and then it was gross.
What will they think of next?
When I was growing up, it was only my sister and me. The things these boys do blow my mind! It just has to be a boy thing!!!!!
Phyllip: Tyler, I dare you to eat a piece of Ruby's (our dog) food.
Tyler: Ok.
Tyler can't bring himself to actually eat the food so he licks it several times instead. Eventually, he put the whole thing in his mouth and spit it out immediately!
Then Tyler decided eating one of Ruby's cookies would be better. He tried it (a chicken flavored one) and said it tasted like Top Ramen, then it tasted like chicken, and then it was gross.
What will they think of next?
When I was growing up, it was only my sister and me. The things these boys do blow my mind! It just has to be a boy thing!!!!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
My Husband Loves Me!
We celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary on Tuesday night and pretty much all day Wednesday.
Mr. Wonderful surprised me with dinner and a movie and a night away from the kids! We stayed at a hotel just down the street from our house.
We ate dinner and went to the theatre to see "Fireproof." If you haven't seen that movie you need to go! It's an incredible movie! We don't go to the movies very often (the last time we went was over 2 years ago) and we really shy away from recommending movies but this one is a must. It will help to strengthen our marriages as well as it gives a very clear presentation of salvation and why we need a Saviour.
Then we went to the hotel. I noticed that the towels in the bathroom didn't seem to have been put in the normal areas for a clean room but didn't think too much of it that night. The bed was made and the trash cans were empty and the room appeared clean. However, the next morning we got up and I noticed hair all over the bathroom counter and floor, a woman's razor and shampoo in the shower, and an open bar of soap with someone's hair on it in the shower. Yuck!!! We also found a debit card receipt belonging to the person that had stayed in our room the night before on the floor.
When we checked out of the hotel, Walter complained about the room and guess what? We only had to pay $1 for the room (it normally is $109 per night during the week). The clerk tried to credit us completely but the computer wouldn't allow it. We weren't complaining about that! She also gave us her card and told us we could come back and stay in the hotel for free one more time.
It turned out that when Walter checked in, the computer said the room wasn't clean. The clerk called housekeeping and told them it needed to be cleaned and they said the computer was mistaken and the room was clean. Not!!! Oh well! All I can say is, "God is good!"
We spent the whole day out and about shopping - mostly window shopping but we did come home with a few things. Part of my anniversary gift from him was a new dress. We looked at several stores and found nothing. I told him that I usually find my dresses at JcPennys. That was the last store we looked in and I found 4 dresses. We bought 2 (my husband loves me!).
We got home just in time to have dinner and be on our way to church.
I was exhausted by the time we got home last night, but it was a fabulous day with my "Mr. Wonderful!"
Mr. Wonderful surprised me with dinner and a movie and a night away from the kids! We stayed at a hotel just down the street from our house.
We ate dinner and went to the theatre to see "Fireproof." If you haven't seen that movie you need to go! It's an incredible movie! We don't go to the movies very often (the last time we went was over 2 years ago) and we really shy away from recommending movies but this one is a must. It will help to strengthen our marriages as well as it gives a very clear presentation of salvation and why we need a Saviour.
Then we went to the hotel. I noticed that the towels in the bathroom didn't seem to have been put in the normal areas for a clean room but didn't think too much of it that night. The bed was made and the trash cans were empty and the room appeared clean. However, the next morning we got up and I noticed hair all over the bathroom counter and floor, a woman's razor and shampoo in the shower, and an open bar of soap with someone's hair on it in the shower. Yuck!!! We also found a debit card receipt belonging to the person that had stayed in our room the night before on the floor.
When we checked out of the hotel, Walter complained about the room and guess what? We only had to pay $1 for the room (it normally is $109 per night during the week). The clerk tried to credit us completely but the computer wouldn't allow it. We weren't complaining about that! She also gave us her card and told us we could come back and stay in the hotel for free one more time.
It turned out that when Walter checked in, the computer said the room wasn't clean. The clerk called housekeeping and told them it needed to be cleaned and they said the computer was mistaken and the room was clean. Not!!! Oh well! All I can say is, "God is good!"
We spent the whole day out and about shopping - mostly window shopping but we did come home with a few things. Part of my anniversary gift from him was a new dress. We looked at several stores and found nothing. I told him that I usually find my dresses at JcPennys. That was the last store we looked in and I found 4 dresses. We bought 2 (my husband loves me!).
We got home just in time to have dinner and be on our way to church.
I was exhausted by the time we got home last night, but it was a fabulous day with my "Mr. Wonderful!"
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
19 Years Ago Today...
I married the love of my life.
It was the second best decision I ever made (the first being to accept Jesus Christ as my Saviour).
I am the luckiest woman in the world! God gave me everything I ever wanted in a husband. I never made a list of what I wanted but as I've reflected down through the years, I've realized more and more that God truly does love me for He gave me Walter and he is exactly what I wanted! God is soooo good!
Nineteen years ago today my sister married the love of her life.
We decided to have a double wedding. It was so great to get married along side my sister!
We started out as two and the Lord added to our family.
It was the second best decision I ever made (the first being to accept Jesus Christ as my Saviour).
I am the luckiest woman in the world! God gave me everything I ever wanted in a husband. I never made a list of what I wanted but as I've reflected down through the years, I've realized more and more that God truly does love me for He gave me Walter and he is exactly what I wanted! God is soooo good!
Nineteen years ago today my sister married the love of her life.
We decided to have a double wedding. It was so great to get married along side my sister!
We started out as two and the Lord added to our family.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Fun With My Sis
One of the hardest things I've ever done in my life was move away from my sister.
My sister and I have an incredible relationship. Most people say we look like twins. We actually think alike and can finish each other's sentences. We've been the best of friends since childhood. I like to say we're twins separated by 3 1/2 years (I don't mind telling you that I'm younger)!
We moved to SoCal in 1998 to help our pastor start a church. Walter instantly fell in love with the climate (hot and dry)! It took me a while but I now love where we live.
My husband was so kind to tell me a couple of months ago to buy a plane ticket to go see my sister for a few days. So.....being the good submissive wife (*smile*), I did as he said!
I went up there on October 22nd and came home on the 27th.
We had a great time! Just hanging out together at home suits us just fine. We don't have to go anywhere to have a good time. But I did go up to Tacoma to go to the Holiday Food and Gift Festival that is held there annually in the Tacoma Dome with her. Before we moved to SoCal, Nancy and I went together every year.
I also got to spend some time with a friend that I think of as another sister, Tammie. As well as another friend named (you guessed it) - Tammy! We had a great time. I enjoyed their company immensely.
Tammy took me to lunch on the waterfront on Sunday after church. It was absolutely gorgeous! We had so much fun laughing and talking about old times and catching up on what's going on in each other's lives currently.
The view of Mt. Rainier was picture perfect. I got 2 pictures. I took the sunshine with me. It was gorgeous the whole time I was there. I took an umbrella with me but never used it. That's amazing! Below are some pictures of the waterfront.
My sister and I have an incredible relationship. Most people say we look like twins. We actually think alike and can finish each other's sentences. We've been the best of friends since childhood. I like to say we're twins separated by 3 1/2 years (I don't mind telling you that I'm younger)!
We moved to SoCal in 1998 to help our pastor start a church. Walter instantly fell in love with the climate (hot and dry)! It took me a while but I now love where we live.
My husband was so kind to tell me a couple of months ago to buy a plane ticket to go see my sister for a few days. So.....being the good submissive wife (*smile*), I did as he said!
I went up there on October 22nd and came home on the 27th.
We had a great time! Just hanging out together at home suits us just fine. We don't have to go anywhere to have a good time. But I did go up to Tacoma to go to the Holiday Food and Gift Festival that is held there annually in the Tacoma Dome with her. Before we moved to SoCal, Nancy and I went together every year.
I also got to spend some time with a friend that I think of as another sister, Tammie. As well as another friend named (you guessed it) - Tammy! We had a great time. I enjoyed their company immensely.
Tammy took me to lunch on the waterfront on Sunday after church. It was absolutely gorgeous! We had so much fun laughing and talking about old times and catching up on what's going on in each other's lives currently.
The view of Mt. Rainier was picture perfect. I got 2 pictures. I took the sunshine with me. It was gorgeous the whole time I was there. I took an umbrella with me but never used it. That's amazing! Below are some pictures of the waterfront.
The new Narrows bridge

If you blow the picture up you can see Mt. Rainier

Another picture of Mt. Rainier

My favorite time of the year is fall. I love this picture - it shows all the leaves changing colors. Gorgeous!

This is one of Tammie's sons - Andrew
He's my buddy. Every time we see each other we have to have our picture taken together.

Andrew and Alexis - she was so thrilled to see me. It was fun! She even said that her favorite uncle is Uncle Wally (aka my husband)! He is soooo proud!

Top row L to R - Eden, Ed, Ashleigh, Eddie, Tammie
Bottom row L to R - Alexis, Adam, Andrew, Alex, Eligh
I wanted to get a picture with each of my nieces and nephews. Some were more than willing to oblige me and others did everything they could to sabotage the pictures. But, I won in the end. It took lots of takes (hooray for digital cameras!) but I finally did get acceptable shots.

Richard and me

Matthew and me

Rebecca and me

Katie and me

Matthew is growing up so fast! He's actually pushing his muscle up in this picture, but - his muscle is real! I saw and felt it! Very handsome young man!
The time went by so fast but I had the best time.
Nancy, it was soooooo good to be with you again. Til, next time...

If you blow the picture up you can see Mt. Rainier

Another picture of Mt. Rainier

My favorite time of the year is fall. I love this picture - it shows all the leaves changing colors. Gorgeous!
This is one of Tammie's sons - Andrew
He's my buddy. Every time we see each other we have to have our picture taken together.

Andrew and Alexis - she was so thrilled to see me. It was fun! She even said that her favorite uncle is Uncle Wally (aka my husband)! He is soooo proud!

Top row L to R - Eden, Ed, Ashleigh, Eddie, Tammie
Bottom row L to R - Alexis, Adam, Andrew, Alex, Eligh

Richard and me

Matthew and me

Rebecca and me

Katie and me

Matthew is growing up so fast! He's actually pushing his muscle up in this picture, but - his muscle is real! I saw and felt it! Very handsome young man!
The time went by so fast but I had the best time.
Nancy, it was soooooo good to be with you again. Til, next time...
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Teaching Does Have Its Moments!
My husband is ADAMANT about washing the windshield of our car when the car gets gassed (is that a word?) up.
He showed the boys how to wash the windows with a squeegee. He usually has Phyllip wash the windshield.
Phyllip isn't quite tall enough and his arms aren't quite long enough to reach the middle of the car. But he tries, and he tries, and he tries, and he tries (you get the picture, right?). If there's a spot left on the window, he does his best to get rid of it - even if it means adding about 20 new spots!
A couple of Saturdays ago we were at the gas station. Walter was pumping the gas and Phyllip was washing the window. When Phyllip would touch the window with the squeegee we laughed because he didn't touch the window gently. It was with all his might! The squeegee would almost slam against the window and 20 new spots would suddenly appear on the window. It was a process of elimination for him! He did finally get all the spots off - it just took him a looooonnnngggg time. And he enjoys washing the window, too!
Kinda makes me wonder how many laughs my parents got from teaching me different things...
He showed the boys how to wash the windows with a squeegee. He usually has Phyllip wash the windshield.
Phyllip isn't quite tall enough and his arms aren't quite long enough to reach the middle of the car. But he tries, and he tries, and he tries, and he tries (you get the picture, right?). If there's a spot left on the window, he does his best to get rid of it - even if it means adding about 20 new spots!
A couple of Saturdays ago we were at the gas station. Walter was pumping the gas and Phyllip was washing the window. When Phyllip would touch the window with the squeegee we laughed because he didn't touch the window gently. It was with all his might! The squeegee would almost slam against the window and 20 new spots would suddenly appear on the window. It was a process of elimination for him! He did finally get all the spots off - it just took him a looooonnnngggg time. And he enjoys washing the window, too!
Kinda makes me wonder how many laughs my parents got from teaching me different things...
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