Sunday, August 30, 2009

A New Chapter Begins Today

In just a few short hours we will be saying 'goodbye' to Lyndsey. Today is the day that she leaves for college.

A new chapter begins for our family. While she is so 'cottonpickin' excited about college (she was in bed for only 4 hours last night if that tells you anything), we, on the other hand, have to get used to life without her.

We are thrilled for her, but sad for us. That girl is incredibly special and she is so close to her daddy and me. I understand now why my mom cried while my sister and I planned our wedding and cried buckets on our wedding day (though hopefully a wedding isn't in our future for several years). The boys won't admit that they will miss her. They will shortly.

At least we get to take her to college. West Coast Baptist College is only 2 1/2 hours from home so it is comforting to know that she is only a short drive away. We are leaving in a couple of hours so that we can enjoy this last day with Lyndsey at her very soon-to-be new home and church - Lancaster Baptist Church.

Blessings until next time!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

They Make Me Laugh

Our family was invited to the birthday party of an 84 year old man today (He and his wife attend our church).

We went and were having a nice time. People were steadily arriving. Walter and I had the privilege of sitting next to the "birthday boy."

A couple of women walked in and came over to him to wish him a happy birthday. One particular woman caught my attention. The conversation went like this.

Woman: "Happy Birthday, Bill."

Bill: "Thank you."

Woman: "Hold on. I have something for you."
She digs in her purse for a card and a can of Pepperidge Farms snacks. She hands him the card not looking at him and continuing to dig out the can.
When she finally gets the can out of her purse she hands it to him while looking in another direction and says the following.
"Here, these are for you. I've heard they taste good but I don't know." And then she walked off.

Bill just looked at her the whole time.

Picture a thin but gruff woman who looks like she'd rather be doing anything else but going to this man's home to celebrate his birthday. I don't think she smiled the whole time she was there.

Old people.....they make me laugh every time!

Friday, August 21, 2009

"You Don't Look...

old enough to be Lyndsey's mom. You look like her older sister."

That's the compliment I got the other day!


Lyndsey's response was, "Gee Mom, I guess all those expensive creams you use on your face are paying off!"

Just for the record, I usually get them on ebay at a discounted price.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Check List

Computer: check

Cell Phone: check

Email Account: check

Skype Account (to keep up with Mom and Dad): check

Checking Account: check

Luggage: check

School Supplies: check

Clothes: check

Shoes: double check (Lyndsey loves shoes!)

All other supplies: almost check

Our Lyndsey will be leaving for West Coast Baptist College in 10 days! We have almost everything for her - just a few odds and ends left to be tied up. We have the privilege of taking her there.

I didn't think I would have that hard of a time with her leaving...but I have discovered just the opposite. Now, I'm not depressed or anything like that, but I do find myself getting choked up every once in a while. Lyndsey has teased me about being a 'ball bag' the night we actually part ways and I have said that I would not be bad at all. Now...I don't know.

Lyndsey is at the age (and has been for a few years now) where we have become very close friends. I love it that we don't just have a 'mom and daughter' relationship now.

She is a beautiful young woman and she will be missed dearly while she is away. Even her brothers will miss her (but they won't admit that today!).

I am so happy that she is moving on to the next phase of her life. She is beyond excited. She would have left a long time ago if she could have. She's always wanted to be older than she is. I've said ever since she was 5 that she's 5 going on 25.

Until next time...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Do You Know Your Vegetables?

This post is lovingly dedicated to our daughter.

Lyndsey was finishing making dinner tonight.

She was making a salad and frying some zucchini to go with baked chicken.

We were at the dinner table enjoying our dinner. My husband says, "Lyndsey, the zucchini should be brown." It wasn't. It just looked transparent with no color change.

Lyndsey started laughing and said, "Tonight there is a special ingredient but I'm not telling what it is until all of you have tried it."

Tyler tried it and didn't like it. I tried it and thought it tasted ok. Walter tried it and he said it was fine. So we asked what the special ingredient was.

She said, "When I opened up the bag with the zucchini in it I didn't realize until it was cooking that I had actually cut up a cucumber instead. I tried to get it to brown but it wouldn't. This is as close as it got." She was laughing almost uncontrollably the whole time. She continued, "Well, how was I supposed to know the difference between the two. They look almost identical. Mom, you usually get the skinny ones. These ones are fat just like the cucumbers! It's not my fault."

This top picture is clearly a cucumber.

The bottom picture clearly is a zucchini.

While I realize they can look similar the two are unmistakably different.

Do you know your vegetables?