Little did they know that someone was watching them!

That little someone was a black cat. He has been coming around every day since then. He is very friendly. The kids have named him "Chewy" because he chews on their clothes when he is on their lap. They think it's great! I, however, am not so thrilled.
The first day he came around Phyllip asked if we could keep him. So, of course, I went through the list of reasons why we couldn't keep Chewy. Phyllip became distraught over this and went to his room. Little did I know that Phyllip was crying his eyes out in his room. He had become attached to this cat in a couple of hours! Phyllip has since gotten over not being able to keep him (I think).
So today the kids and I set out for our morning walk. Guess who was waiting for us. Yep you guessed it. Chewy! He was at the edge of our property. We pet him for a few seconds and then left. He followed us. We couldn't believe it. A cat going on a walk? Well, he only lasted a small distance, but he still followed us. It's almost like he's got some dog in him somewhere. How weird is that!

I stumbled across your blog from Pam's blog. I am so encouraged to see your picture and my, your kids are huge. I can't believe it! It's Roy and Shari Funkhouser. Do you remember us? We were just talking about you the other day wondering how you were and then here's your blog. We have three boys ages 8,7, and 5. We live in Oregon now on the coast. Doing quite well. I have a blog if you want to stop on by.
Take care!
Roy and Shari Funkhouser
Florence, Oregon
We would be happy to pray for you. Roy is studying under our Pastor right now to Pastor the church we go to in the future. He is getting ready to retire. I will add you to my personal prayer list.
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