I had a quarterly homeschool meeting to go to over in Santa Clarita (a 3 hour drive one way from our home) and I had asked my husband to go with me since I wasn't getting a whole night's sleep the night before. He agreed. Our journey began at 7:30 a.m.
We made plans to meet up with our friends, Delmas and Laurie, and leave our kids with their kids while the 4 of us went to the meeting. The kids went off and had a blast all day by themselves (for those of you wondering, all but Phyllip and Tyler were basically full grown).
The 4 of us went to the meeting. From there we had pit stops to make here and there on the way to my hair appointment. While I got my hair done the other 3 went to lunch. After that we stopped by the grocery store to get food for dinner. Then we went to the equipment rental store to rent a "snake" to clean out Delmas' drains because their house was flooding from all of the rain we've gotten recently. Funny thing about the "snake" was that it didn't fit in the back end of Delmas' car. So it sat in the middle seat with us girls. It actually got belted in with a seatbelt! Go figure that one! Anyway, we made plans to take the kids up to the snow in the foothills above Los Angeles shortly after we all got back to Delmas and Laurie's house and after the guys were finished using the "snake."These 2 pictures were taken from our house today. The winter storm brought lots of the wet stuff, fog and cold. I can't wait to find out how much rain we got.
Notice that you can't see anything beyond the houses. That's how low the clouds are. Typically we can see for many miles. Our mountains are hid by the storm.
I need to put a side note in here. Delmas and Laurie breed Chijajuahs (is that how you spell it? I don't know but it's the little dog from the Taco Bell commercials!) One of their dogs had puppies a few days ago. Below is one of the puppies.
Well, everybody forgot the puppies were outside in the cold. Eventually, they were brought in only to discover that the puppy above was extremely cold and lethargic. So I took the puppy and started trying to warm it up. We worked and worked to warm her up. When Laurie looked at the puppy we discovered that she had a cleft pallet and her face was deformed on one side. She was very sick and her momma had rejected her. So we tried feeding her, but to no avail. She eventually died. *sigh* *sad face* Look how little she was! (Note: these pictures were taken before she died.)
Here's Tyler standing on LeeAnn's (one of Laurie's kids) back at her request. Her back was hurting and she said it would make her feel better. He wasn't about to let her down!
It started raining buckets and buckets while we ate dinner and 2 of the older kids decided to jump in the pool. Crazy! We tried to talk them out of it but it didn't work as you can see!

The spots on the picture are raindrops. That's how hard it was raining.
We ended up not going to the snow because the drains took longer than expected. But we got to spend the day with friends that we hadn't seen in quite a while. It was very much a spontaneous day and we sure enjoyed it!
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