Yesterday Walter and I taught Jr. Church during the worship hour. We have come to love working with those kids. You just never know what will come out of their mouths! Hence the following conversation with this precious gem of a girl!
Kaylyn: Hey, Mr. Pettis, did you know that you have the same Bible as my daddy?
Mr. Pettis: Yes I did know that. Pretty cool, huh?
Kaylyn: Yes.
Mr. Pettis: Does that make me cooler than your daddy?
Kaylyn: Huh?
Mr. Pettis: Does that make me cooler than your daddy?
She thinks for a few seconds.
Kaylyn: My dad is the pastor!!!! He's cooler!!!!
And finally, tonight we were on our way home from church when Tyler said the following.
"Hey Mom, Pastor barely preached an hour tonight!"
Translation - He didn't preach very long!
When a kid says that you know he's been going to church for a long time!
That is a kid with her head screwed on right! way to go Kaylyn!
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