Sunday, March 16, 2008


I just wanted to give anyone that reads our blog a better idea of what the country of Madagascar is like.

First of all, it's nothing like the movie "Madagascar."

There are approximately 19 million people that live on the island.

It is the 4th largest island in the world. It is 250 miles off the east coast of South Africa.

It has been classified as 1 of 2 fourth world countries. The poverty there is astounding.

The people mainly live on rice and beans for their food. They live in one-room huts. They have no plumbing, no electricity, no stove or oven, no refrigerators, etc. They cook on something that looks like a camping stove outside. The people work and usually only earn enough wage in one day to provide food for their families (around $1 a day).

We will be working with a missionary that our church supports - Ja Pritchard and his family. They have been in the country for 3 years now. They have seen many, many souls saved and continue to give out the Gospel through soulwinning, church services, and other outreach programs. They are discipling them through learning centers that they have established to help teach the people basic education (reading, writing, math, etc.).

There are several missionaries that should be moving to Madagascar within the next year or so. One just recently got to the field to start an orphanage.

While there, we will be teaching the people several classes. Walter will be teaching the men about creation from a biblical perspective and I will be teaching the ladies cleanliness in food preparation as well as some basic recipes (pancakes, etc.). Believe it or not, they don't know what a pancake is! That just blows my mind! I thought everybody knows that! We're not exactly sure what else we will be doing there, but we have been preparing for these classes here at home. I know that we will be kept very busy, though!

One of my prayers has been answered in the last week concerning our trip. Bro. Pritchard has reserved 2 different apartments for us. One with indoor plumbing and one without (yikes!). I really don't want to be in the one with outdoor plumbing and no hot water. I have asked the ladies of the church and some other friends/family to pray that we could get the apartment with indoor plumbing. We found out last weekend that the one with outdoor plumbing and no hot water is already being rented. Praise the Lord! I know He loves me! *gigantic smile*

We really covet all of your prayers as there are many unknowns that we are facing with this trip. But our God is a VERY BIG God and I know that He will answer all of our prayers for this trip. Please pray that He will reveal His will for us concerning becoming missionaries to this country and that He will make it very plain to us. We just want to do what He wants us to do.

Also, if you would remember our children during this. They will be with my sister in Washington. We will be away from them for 4 weeks. That's an incredibly long time and I'm not looking forward to that part.

We are leaving on March 30th.

For a look into Madagascar click here. There are a lot of pictures of different cities on the island. I must tell you that we DO NOT endorse the theory of evolution on this particular website. I put the link in so you can look at the pictures!


Pamela said...

yes we will be praying!

Unknown said...

HI Rhonda & Walter - It is so exciting to hear you are on your way. I remember Walters call last year telling me you guys were going. i pray God's blessings, wisdom and strength. Please tell the Pritchards hello for me. May God' grace empower your, May his Spirit Lead you, and may his word comfort you.!
Bro. Kory Mears, Fiji Islands

Shari said...

I will be in prayer, Rhonda.