Thursday, April 3, 2008

We Have Arrived!!!

Just a note to let all of you know that we arrived safely in Madagascar Tuesday night. It was the longest trip of my life! *smile*

We got back to the Pritchards home yesterday. The Lord has really worked out several things for us. We ended up being able to rent a home directly across the street from the Pritchards and for only $100. That's an answer to prayer!

Our visas were supposed to be $240 upon entering the country and turned out to be $176. Another answer to prayer! The Lord, He is sooooooo good to us!

We have been down to the market place today and what an experience that is. Walter and I know what it means to be "foreigners." We stick out! Everybody knows we are outsiders! We are white and everybody else is dark. Everybody keeps trying to sell us everything and they want us to give them money. We even had 3 kids follow us around almost the whole time we were in the market place (probably about 1 hour) with their hands out constantly asking us for things.

I will post a few more times before we come home. I won't be able to post any pictures because I don't have the ability to download into this computer. That will have to wait until we get home.

Keep checking back for more information.

1 comment:

mama2drama said...

So glad you're able to get an update while you're "on the field". I'm lookin forward to the you're homecoming!