Saturday, July 26, 2008

I Am Now a Believer in This!

Tyler hasn't felt well since last night. He started running a fever and had an earache. I've learned over the years that when Tyler complains he almost always has an ear infection. And he has a very high tolerance to pain so when he complains, it's pretty bad.

We didn't really have the money to take him to urgent care nor the gas money to go. So I went online and looked up home remedies.

I found a website that had lots of different ones. Some seemed far fetched. Others sounded like they might work.

Here's the one I tried.

Take half of a medium sized onion and grate it. Squeeze the juice into a cup. Take a dropper and put the juice in it. Place 2-3 drops in the ear. Work the juice down into the middle of the ear. Keep head tilted so the juice doesn't run out of the ear. Wait 5-10 minutes. Let drain. Repeat every couple of hours until pain is gone.


Tyler hasn't had an earache since! We only did it one time.

1 comment:

Shari said...

Rhonda: Thanks for the tip. I have one that gets ear infections constantly. I will try this next time and pray it works. Have a good week! :o)