Monday, January 26, 2009


Yesterday we had another guest speaker at church. His name is Jeremy Picker. He and his family were with us all day at church.

We spent the entire day with them. They have 3 kids. Their son, Travis, is basically the same age as Phyllip and Tyler. The boys were instant friends.

L to R - Phyllip, Travis, Tyler
After lunch, both families came back to our house. The boys wanted to play outside and we told them to have a great time.

Apparently, Travis is quite a hunter. He's killed snakes, quail, bunnies, deer, etc. He's even skinned the animals, too. Of course, his dad has taught him these things.

We let all six of the kids go play in the fields. The boys were trying their best to get a quail or bunny. But, to no avail.

Fast forward to this morning.

The first thing out of Phyllip's mouth this morning was the following:

Phyllip: "Mom, after school can we go into the fields and hunt quail?"
(notice that he didn't even say good morning to me!)

Me: "What are you going to hunt them with?"

Phyllip: "Rocks."

Me: "You need to talk to your dad about that."

A few minutes pass by and he decides he wants to talk to his dad and the conversation went like this:

Phyllip: "Dad, can we go in the fields after school and hunt quail?"

Dad: "What are you going to hunt them with?"

Phyllip: "Rocks."

Dad: "That's going to be pretty hard to kill a quail."

Phyllip: "Then can we take your gun?"

Dad: "NO!"

I just about busted a gut laughing because the conversation went from rocks to guns in about 2.2 seconds!

Dad went on to tell the boys that he will take them target shooting to get their skills sharpened. The boys don't realize yet that it's going to take a while to get the hang of shooting again.

Travis invited the boys to go camping with him and his dad over his birthday in May. They're going hunting during the trip. I guess we better get to teaching these boys a thing or two about the great outdoors before then!

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