Mark 9:23 "Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth."
I read this verse yesterday in my devotions.
I have read particular passages in the Bible many times. I can read the same thing 2 or 3 days in a row and one day it will just smack me in the face with amazing understanding! That's what happened when I read Mark 9:23 yesterday.
I believe it all has to do with where I/you are in life.
Walter and I are about to embark on a voyage in our marriage that we've never been to before (our marriage is incredibly strong so please don't think we are having marital problems). We both completely agree with the direction. I am having a little bit of leeriness because I can only see this voyage through 'foggy windows' so to speak. I know that the end result will be better but going on the voyage is foggy at best right now. That's where Mark 9:23 comes into the picture for me. I must claim that verse to take away my skepticism and just believe. Believe that Jesus is leading the way for us because the verse says that ALL things are possible to him that believeth!
We have seen the Lord do some incredible things in our lives and Lyndsey's life since she went to college so I KNOW this verse is true!
I hope you will claim the verse, too!
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