As I think back on the last month it's been busy.
Just a lot of randomness.
We celebrated 21 years of marriage. How can it be that long ago we got married? I still think we should be 25!
We've had four dates this month! That's unheard of! But I'm not complaining at all! I am more in love with my husband with each passing day. He IS Mr. Wonderful! Am so thankful God created marriage. He created it perfectly! Marriage truly is a beautiful union. One I never thought I was worthy enough to get a chance at. But God had other plans for me and I rejoice that His plans were so very different than mine.
Went and spent time with Lyndsey at school. Spent the evening with one of her teachers and his family. Had a marvelous time! So good, in fact, we lost track of time. Almost got Lyndsey in trouble with her curfew. We got home VERY late, but it was so worth it!
It's not so bad living in an apartment. Everybody just needs to be considerate of each other. It's definitely a long lesson in patience. I didn't realize the walls were so thin. Thought they would be thicker since it's newer construction (but what do I know about building anything?).
God is so incredibly wonderful! His love for me is amazing. He shows me every day. I marvel at His mercy and grace and longsuffering. My finite mind doesn't comprehend His longsuffering, patience, compassion, gentleness, etc. That's why He's God and I'm not, right?
Lyndsey comes home for Thanksgiving on Wednesday. She's bringing four girls with her. We will be packed like sardines in the car and in the apartment. We'll have a giant 4 day slumber party! But, oh the fun that awaits us! I AM SO EXCITED! I love having an adult daughter. She's so much fun. All of the girls want to go "Black Friday" shopping with me as well as the boys. *SMILE*
I love the ages my boys are at. I get excited just thinking about what they will look like when they grow up. Am even more excited to find out God's plans for them.
Tyler sprained his wrist last week. I believe it would be doing much better if he would leave it wrapped and supported.
The boys are very happy their friends have moved back down here. In fact, tonight they are spending the night with them.
I believe this Thanksgiving will be much different. It's going to be really good! The Lord has worked this one out for me. He knows exactly what I need. Praise God!
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