Tuesday, March 25, 2008

We are so Blessed!

Last weekend our church was so blessed as to host the Spring Tour singing group from West Coast Baptist College. Our family was even more blessed to spend the day with all 4 of the girls as they went soulwinning with our church and then to have 2 of them stay in our home Saturday evening. Lyndsey was on "cloud 9" the entire time! We had a blast getting to know them (time goes by so fast and we cram as much as we can to get to know each of the girls). Each one has a great sense of humor.
From left to right is Kayla, Jennifer, my Lyndsey, Laura (Jennifer's sister), and Bethany.

So many people said that Bethany and Lyndsey look like sisters. They really hit it off well. Oh, and I found out that Bethany knows the Kitson family. I used to babysit their 2 oldest kids 20 years ago (they now have 12 kids)! I haven't seen the Kitsons in that long, either. Anyhow, yesterday I was able to get in touch with them
. The Lord is so good to us!

Bethany and Lyndsey! They do look like sisters!

We got to spend Easter Sunday morning with them at our church. Our family was even more blessed (I know I keep using that phrase but that's exactly how we feel!) because the girls did their warm up in our house around our piano! It was fantastic! The pianist, Jennifer, is incredible! Her fingers just glide across the piano and makes it look so easy! I could sit and listen to her play for forever!

The girls warming up at our home.

Lyndsey and Kayla.

Lyndsey and Laura

Lyndsey, the social butterfly that she is, managed to remember to get all of their addresses so she can keep in touch with them!

Some silly pictures of Bethany and Lyndsey.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I was deliriously tired Saturday night because of lack of sleep. The girls were getting ready for bed. I was making cinammon rolls for breakfast on Sunday morning. Lyndsey decided that she HAD to make a skirt for Easter Sunday (I had bought the material and pattern for her a month ago and we just never got around to making it). I told her that I didn't really want to sew because I was exhausted. Well.....she had gotten most of the skirt done and needed the zipper put in. I'm really not that great with zippers but...I ended up putting it in at 11:00 p.m. To my amazement, I was able to sew it in in one sitting. I didn't have to rip part of the stitching out and redo it! I couldn't believe it! Finally I could say that putting a zipper in is easy! That is until..........I realized that I put it in BACKWARDS! I told Lyndsey that's what she gets when she asks her deliriously tired mother to put a zipper in a skirt at 11:00 p.m.! *laugh* So needless to say, her skirt did not get done!

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