Sunday, January 13, 2008

Here Am I, Lord

As some of you know, we are praying about becoming missionaries to Madagascar.

We have been praying about this since July, 2007. Walter and I will be taking a survey trip to the country leaving March 30 and returning April 18. We are awaiting confirmation from the Lord. Our decision will be made when we get home. We are incredibly excited about this!

However, it is very humbling to think that God Almighty would want to use someone like me and my family on a foreign field. I describe myself as a wallflower; someone perfectly happy blending in with the crowd not making myself stick out.

But who are we and why are we so special? Why does God want to use us? We are 40 somethings; we don't have a Bible college education; etc. I don't know and maybe I will never know the answers until I get to Heaven. The only thing I can think of is that we've told the Lord, "Here am I, Lord. Send me." And now He wants to see if we mean business; if we are truly available. Because, you see, so many of us say that we're available but are we, really?

I think of a song that West Coast Baptist College sang some years ago. It's called "Here Am I."

Here am I, I will go.
I will reach the lost untold;
I will give the Lord control.
I will tell them of the crimson flow.

So many lost and dying
In this world today.
Have you heard their crying
Or do you turn away?
The harvest now is plenteous,
But the laborers are few.
God needs some willing vessels to be used.


Is it too late for caring? Does Jesus really save?
Are we truly praying for the blind to find their way?
Little children are falling into a burning Hell.
Will anyone heed the calling to go and tell?

For the Saviour died on a rugged cross;
He thought of me when He counted the cost.
How can I say that I love Him, if I don't reply?


Whenever I hear or even think of this song, it brings tears to my eyes for I know that I have many wasted and missed opportunities down through the years in telling people that "JESUS SAVES." I think of the people not only in my own little mission field here where I live but now also on the other side of the world in a 4th world (Yes, you read it correctly. There are only 2 countries that have that classification and Madagascar is one of them) country. We must be about our Father's business no matter where He puts us.

I have known for many years that soulwinning is extremely important. But that was mainly head knowledge and not heart knowledge. You see, I would go out soulwinning (when I did go) out of obligation. Ya know, my Christian duty. But I see the world differently these days. When I look at people I see souls now (for the most part) and I wonder if they are saved or not.

We, here in America, have been blessed with great churches all across this land that preach the Gospel and the whole Bible. We have so much in this great country that we live in. So much that "things" get in the way and cloud our minds. Too many people don't need God. They are doing just fine. In fact, yesterday, Walter and I were soulwinning and we met a woman that was a Buddhist. When asked if she knew for sure if she was going to heaven her reply was, "I'm not worried about it." That is so sad! She wasn't really interested in talking to us but she did take our Gospel tracht with the plan of salvation on it.

But what about the people in other countries that really don't have the opportunity to hear the Gospel? The Bible says (paraphrasing) "and how shall they hear, except they be sent." It might just be that God wants my family to be one that is "sent" instead of being a sender.

I hope that whoever reads this will ponder the words to this song and will allow the Lord to work in their hearts and lives in a greater way than ever before.

1 comment:

Shari said...

Rhonda-I am encouraged and praying for your precious family during this time of decision.
