Thursday, February 14, 2008

You Won't Believe It!!!

It's been snowing here today!!!!!!! Yes, I said snowing!!!! In the desert southwest!!!! I know you don't believe me so here's the proof!!! Click on the picture to enlarge it so you can see the white stuff falling for yourself.

It snowed for about 2 hours. Even my husband called me and
told me that it was snowing where he was working. I called Sileena and told her to look out her windows and she said it was snowing. Pastor didn't believe her until he went outside and saw it for himself.

On to a little something that happened this afternoon. I think this is something that only our two boys could have ever thought up. I don't believe that anyone else would have dreamed this up. So here goes. I was in the bathroom getting ready to leave when my husband got home from work. Little did I know what the boys were doing.

You see this here couch? Up above the couch is where it happened! Take a look at the curtain rod.

I walked into the living room and over to the couch to fix the blinds behind it. I n
oticed the couch was pushed all the way up against the wall. As I was going to move it forward away from the wall, water started dripping on the couch from the ceiling, or so I thought. My first thought was, "Oh no, another leak in our roof!" However, after looking up towards the ceiling I noticed the curtain rod. Guess what was on it! A large pile of ICE CUBES! Yep, you read right. They were melting and dripping all over my couch! Of course, I was upset. I asked, well maybe screamed, to know how the ice cubes got up on the curtain rod. Phyllip comes running and said, "Oh, we put them up there so we could sit under them and catch the drops of water in our mouths as they melted. We forgot they were there." The ice must not have been melting fast enough and obviously their attention span isn't very long. Now how can a mom stay upset with an explanation like that?! I got the ice cubes down, wiped the water off the couch and went to my bedroom as fast as I could so that I could laugh. It was just too funny to be mad at them!

Here's a picture of the curtain rod where the pile of ice cubes were. There were at least 20 ice cubes!
Whatever possessed them to do it, I will never know!

Since it's Valentine's Day, I decided to have some fun with the camera and take pictures of me and my sweetie. Just a couple of the shots.


mama2drama said...

I could not stop laughing!!!! Pastor says "what a bunch of knuckle heads! That's havin' boys right there." Of course leaving the implication that his girls won't be trying anything like that! :-)

Sergio and Valerie said...

I can't believe it snowed over there! It's nothing compared to the snow here. Hope you enjoyed it while it lasted.